Payroll Software UX Horrors

Payroll Software UX Horrors

As we all know, HR software has grown in popularity, particularly among large businesses.

Sure, it has many advantages, but it can lead to inefficiency when it is too difficult to use.

These UX stories aim to raise awareness that sometimes a little tweak is all that is required to improve the user experience.


Help! I Couldn't Find It!

A business signed up for your payroll software last week. They told all the employees that all the documents could be "easily" found in the portal.

Sally was looking for her W2 for 2022. Her accountant needed it to file her tax return.

However, she was unable to locate the document in the portal!

After 30 minutes, she uncovered it!

It was under "Resources > Docs > Archives > Legal Documents > Tax Documents > her doc".

If we had studied Sally's needs and human journey, we could've avoided this pain.  


Missing Documents!

It's insurance enrollment time.

The HR team uses your software to collect all the documents from the employees to ensure the company can buy the group rate.

The employee logs onto the dashboard and sees nothing. They get no email notification that more documents are needed.

The HR staff is getting worried that so many documents are still missing!

With some Simple UX,  the dashboard can have a widget.

This prompts the employees to complete the uploads of their essential documents.


Payroll Reporting Horror

Mark is the owner.

He needs to cover the payroll. He logs onto your software to see how much payroll is this week.

He can't see the total needed for the entire company. He needs to go to Reports > Payroll, and there he can only see "Per Dept."

He calls the support team, and they tell him:

"This feature is in development and is low on priority."

Mark gets angry.

He might want to switch to a new (more user-friendly) payroll solution.


Why Can't It Be Simple?

The HR manager wants to add a new job opening.

He goes on the JOBS page and is still looking for that option.

When his company signs up, you promise that this will be a "user-friendly" experience.

But Bob still can't see how to add a new position!

After 20 minutes of frustration, he clicks on a link that reads: "New Entry."

This link means "Create a new job."


Easy System, Easy Life

Software that is sleek and friendly?

Who doesn't want that?

This is what we most often believe that consumers prefer.

But... many of these people work at large corporations, and the truth is that all they need is a SIMPLE software that is easy to use.

This allows them to work conveniently and live better lives!


I hope that these stories will show how essential it is for HR software to be user-friendly for both employees and managers.

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