How to increase User Engagement for your App by 200%

Nussi Einhorn
How to increase User Engagement for your App by 200%
In this article I show you exactly how you can Increase the User Engagement of your app by 200%.

1) Craft a great On-boarding.

Onboarding your new users is one of the critical factors if they’ll stick with you for the long run. Some apps get this right, and some fail at this.

Here are my tips:

🔹 In-app welcome Wizard:

Keep this simple. Demonstrate to users the key functions of the Software. You can also take them through a Checklist-style Wizard to guide them on uploading data etc.

🔹 Educational Email Series:

In the first month that a user is with you, put them through an automated email series that will send them how-to tips. In the emails, you can link to your help center articles so users can explore more.

🔹 In-app Smart Tips:

Throughout the application, give your users small tips like: “Did you know you can do this?”. Tips serve as bite-size education to users as they go along in their journey. It makes them feel a mentor is built-in!

🔹 In-app Video Tutorials:

This is a great way to add direct brand communication to your new users. Believe me, when users see the play button — they’ll hit play! You can embed Loom screen demos to get them up to speed.

🔹 Create a Help Center:

A help center is a central place for users to learn how to use your products. You can start with just five articles and then expand it as you go along. Intercom is an excellent tool for this!

How is your SaaS’s onboarding experience?

Do you have on at all!?

2) Communicate with your Users

As with every relationship, we know communication is key! For your app users, this is no different.

So how do you automate it?

🔹 Push and Email Notification:

Don’t overkill this! Use soft and smart ways to send your users messages with relevant information that will make them visit you App to see more!

🔹 Create a User Community:

This is an excellent opportunity to make your users feel they’re not alone! With a community like Discourse, users can voice problems and answer other questions and see additional relevant info.

🔹 Ask for Feedback:

Proactively ask the user in-app to give feedback. This makes the users feel that there is always a listening ear whom to talk to! You will benefit from getting real feedback.

🔹 Help Chat:

Add a bot + human chat widget in your App so users can easily ask a question from support. With Intercom, you can have a resolution bot that will serve help answers to your user’s issue with AI!

3) Make it an Experience

Hey, but how?

Here are my tips:

🔹 Try Gamification:

Give you users fun feedback as they reach certain milestones in your App. They uploaded their first contact, give them a “Hooray”!

🔹 Progress and Milestones:

Keep a progress bar in every area of your App. Users will want to reach the 100% mark to get the wow feeling. Checklists are also great for this.

🔹 Let them Personalize:

It’s a small tip, but it goes a long way. Let users add their profile photo or company logo and make the App’s theme their own. This will create a deeper rapport with your users.

🔹 Hello, First Name:

Use their first name in confirmation and email messages. This will create sub-conscious personal connection users have towards your App.

How’s your Apps experience?

4) Make it Social

Adding a social and sharing element to your App will boost the User Engagement by 200%. Seriously!

What exactly can you do?

🔹 Add Comments and @ Mentions:

Throughout the Application features allow users to invite and collaborate with colleagues. This will help your users not feel lonely, and they will keep on checking if others are mentioning them!

🔹 Make things Sharable:

When users can share the views of your App, it will increase their engagement. You can start with a simple download feature and then add deep-linking and social sharing options.

Haw sharable, is your App?

5) Create a Daily Digest

Crating a focused digest is the best way to have users checking in daily.


🔹 Create a Home:

Create a home screen in your App; this will serve daily and relevant insights that users can act upon daily. Like “Orders in transit.”

🔹 Email Digest:

Email you, users, a daily email with actionable insights they and act upon. This does not apply only to Project Management Software; even your Software can create a daily insight email that calls users back to the App.

🔹 Insights with Reports:

Reports are a great way to keep users coming back. Set up alerts for each report to email your users. “Hey, you have this cool report waiting, come check it out”!

Does your App have an AI-driven digest?

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